Sarah Huckabee Sanders Criticizes Kamala Harris for Lack of Humility

Sept. 18, 2024, 5:30 p.m. Politics

Read time estimation: 4 minutes. Sarah Huckabee Sanders

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Criticizes Kamala Harris for Lack of Humility

Former White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders recently took to Twitter to criticize Vice President Kamala Harris for what she perceived as a lack of humility. In a series of tweets, Sanders accused Harris of being arrogant and out of touch with the American people. The criticism comes at a time when Harris has been facing backlash for her handling of various issues, including the ongoing crisis at the southern border and her controversial remarks about the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sanders, who served as then-President Donald Trump's press secretary from 2017 to 2019, has been a vocal critic of the Biden administration since leaving the White House. In her latest attack on Harris, Sanders accused the Vice President of believing she is above criticism and failing to show humility in her role as second in command.

"Kamala Harris is the epitome of arrogance and entitlement," Sanders tweeted. "She refuses to admit when she's wrong and acts as if she's above the American people. It's time for her to start showing some humility and accountability."

The criticism from Sanders comes as Harris has been facing mounting challenges in her role as Vice President. From her handling of the southern border crisis to her controversial comments about COVID-19, Harris has been under fire from both Republicans and Democrats in recent months. Many have criticized her for failing to provide clear and effective leadership on important issues, with some even calling for her resignation.

One of the key issues that has drawn criticism towards Harris is her handling of the southern border crisis. Since taking office, Harris has been tasked with addressing the influx of migrants at the border, but her response has been widely criticized as inadequate. Critics have accused her of failing to visit the border and come up with a comprehensive strategy to address the crisis, leading to a continued surge in illegal immigration.

In addition to her handling of the border crisis, Harris has also faced backlash for her comments about the COVID-19 pandemic. In a recent interview, Harris suggested that the Biden administration had inherited a "dismal" COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan from the Trump administration, a statement that was widely criticized as misleading and inaccurate.

Sanders' criticism of Harris for her lack of humility is just the latest in a series of attacks on the Vice President from conservative figures. Many on the right have accused Harris of being out of touch with the American people and failing to demonstrate the leadership qualities necessary for the role of Vice President.

However, supporters of Harris have defended her record, pointing to her long history of public service and advocacy for marginalized communities. They argue that Harris is a strong and capable leader who is committed to addressing the challenges facing the country, and that she should be given the opportunity to prove herself in her role as Vice President.

Ultimately, the criticism from Sarah Huckabee Sanders highlights the growing scrutiny and divisiveness surrounding Kamala Harris' performance as Vice President. As Harris continues to face challenges and criticism in her role, it remains to be seen how she will respond and whether she will be able to overcome the obstacles in her path. And while humility is an important quality for any leader to possess, it is ultimately actions and results that will determine Harris' legacy as Vice President.