Theater of the Absurd: Lauren Boebert's One-Woman Show

Sept. 19, 2023, 8:30 a.m. Politics

Read time estimation: 2 minutes. Lauren Boebert theater

Lauren Boebert, a Representative from Colorado, gave a one-woman show on the House floor on Wednesday. The theater of the absurd played out as Boebert held up a stack of papers representing the articles of impeachment against President Trump and made a case for why he should not be removed from office.

Boebert, who was elected in November 2020, has been a staunch supporter of President Trump and his policies. She has been a vocal critic of the impeachment proceedings against the President, and has been an outspoken advocate for his acquittal.

On Wednesday, Boebert took to the House floor to give a one-woman show in support of President Trump. Boebert held up a stack of papers representing the articles of impeachment against President Trump and argued that he should not be removed from office.

Boebert argued that the impeachment proceedings are a "sham" and that President Trump is the victim of a "witch hunt." She also claimed that the impeachment is a "waste of time" and that it is "divisive" for the country.

Boebert's one-woman show was met with criticism from some Democrats, who accused her of spreading "conspiracy theories" and "falsehoods." Representative Steve Cohen, a Democrat from Tennessee, called Boebert's remarks "an embarrassment to our country."

It is clear that Boebert is a supporter of President Trump and his policies. her one-woman show on the House floor was a clear display of that support. While her claims about the impeachment proceedings may be disputed by some, there is no doubt that Boebert is a fierce advocate for President Trump.