The Titanic Submarine: A History of the World's Greatest Underwater Shipwreck

June 19, 2023, 11:30 p.m. News

Read time estimation: 2 minutes. Titanic submarine

The Titanic submarine is a fascinating story of the world's greatest underwater shipwreck. It is a story that has been told and retold many times, but never with the depth and detail that this article will provide.

The Titanic submarine was built in 1909 by the White Star Line, a British shipping company. The ship was designed to be the largest and most luxurious ocean liner of its time. It was also designed to be unsinkable.

The Titanic was christened on May 31, 1911, and set sail on its maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York City on April 10, 1912. The ship carried 2,224 passengers and crew.

On the night of April 14, 1912, the Titanic struck an iceberg and began to sink. The ship went down in less than three hours, and more than 1,500 people lost their lives.

The Titanic submarine was discovered in 1985 by a team of French and American scientists. The shipwreck was found at a depth of 12,460 feet (3,790 meters), about 560 miles (900 kilometers) off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.

Since its discovery, the Titanic submarine has been the subject of much scientific study. The shipwreck has also been the focus of many books, movies, and documentaries.

The Titanic submarine is a story that continues to fascinate people all over the world. It is a story of tragedy, heroism, and discovery. It is a story that will be told for generations to come.