Earthquake Alert: Bay Area Residents Brace for Aftershocks

Oct. 18, 2023, 6:30 p.m. News

Read time estimation: 2 minutes. Earthquake Bay Area

As the Bay Area continues to recover from Sunday’s 6.0 magnitude earthquake, residents are bracing for aftershocks. The US Geological Survey is reporting that there is a 62% chance of an aftershock measuring greater than magnitude 5.0 in the next week.

This is the largest earthquake to hit the Bay Area since the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, and scientists say that aftershocks are to be expected. “The general rule of thumb is that for every magnitude increase, you get 10 times as many aftershocks,” said John Vidale, a seismologist at the University of Washington.

Aftershocks can cause additional damage to already damaged buildings and infrastructure and can also be psychologically devastating to those who have already experienced the trauma of an earthquake.

The best way to protect yourself during an aftershock is to drop, cover, and hold on. If you are inside, stay inside and try to take shelter under a table or desk. If you are outside, move away from buildings and power lines. And if you are driving, pull over to the side of the road and stop.

For Bay Area residents, the next week will be a waiting game as they keep an eye on the USGS website and hope that the aftershocks are not too strong.